04 March 2008

Sagebrush on the Air in Olympic Penisula!

We're very psyched to report that KAYO-LP, 94.3 FM in Aberdeen, WA and Hoquiam, WA, and on their translator in Olympia at 92.9 FM, will be broadcasting the Sagebrush Variety Show twice a week: Wednesdays @ 9pm and Sundays @ 4pm, Pacific Time. And just to remind you, you can hear Bucky Buckaw's Backyard Chicken Broadcast on that frequency, too, Tuesdays 9:45am and Sundays 12:45pm PST. Since they play Bucky's show already, we aren't including it in their version of the SVS, but Carl Etnier's Peak Oil Check-In is still included. The UV-Eye-Opener is not included.