29 September 2005

Upcoming CIM Public Meetings

Communities in Motion Open House Meetings: 10/5 - 9 am to 8 pm at the Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho in Nampa 10/6 - 9 am to 8 pm at the Idaho Historical Museum in Boise Attendees can give input on their needs and ideas for growth in the Treasure Valley and public transportation. For more information, visit the COMPASS website.

28 September 2005

Ukiah Digby for Coroner summary, week 5

On this week's installment of Ukiah Digby for Coroner, it's the battle of youth volunteer power. We meet another teen, Ash, who volunteers to work on the Digby campaign, and is caught between two cultures. The German exchange student, Hans, complains about his host families each trying to convert him to their religion. Taking the Digby campaign's cue of empowering youth and getting them turned on to politics, the dastardly Linden Cuttown recruits Claude Hairycoat as Youth Coordinator for the Kennewick campaign, who enlists an army of aggressively conformist "punk" teens to get out the vote. You can hear Kill Your Lawn, a song recorded by Ukiah Digby's former band Peabody, on this week's show.

27 September 2005

Banned Books Week

This week's show reminds everyone that this is Banned Books Week. We tried to get an up-to-date list of currently banned books, but no one is forthcoming with such a list unless you pay for it or make the trip to the local library and request the information. So please pardon us for naming books banned previously in our promo. However, we were able to discern that the kinds of books under most fire this year seem to be those with gay & lesbian themes -- for once, it's actually not Huck Finn.

The Conscious Consumer

Links on genetically modified foods and Monsanto Corporation mentioned on this week’s Conscious Consumer segment: Organic Consumers Association Monsanto Corporation Sucks World Health Organization

26 September 2005

Short Biography of Neem

Neem was born in Emmett, Idaho on June 10, 2004. She is a direct descendant of the Cochin (then known as Chittagong) chickens who catalyzed the craze for chickenry that swept the USA in the 19th century) but she is a member of the bantam wing of the current family (1/2 to 2/3 as large as her "standard" relatives). Her flock was small but approaching overcrowded when she, and one of her flockmates, Peelu, were adopted as week-old chicks by Gwen Sanchirico and Robert McMinn of Boise. The chicks took to their new home and became fast friends but tragedy struck after just a few short months when Peelu died. The circumstances surrounding her death are still unresolved and although it may have been an accident, forensic experts lean heavily towards a cat or dog murder. It was at this point that Neem, who had not previously shown much interest in humans began to bond with Robert and also showed an interest in the performing arts. Robert nurtured her interest in modern dance, acrobatics, cycling, and acting, and as soon as Neem was ready and an opportunity presented itself he used his connections to help launch her film career with Thai Chicken, The Movie by FTB Productions. Another FTB production, Triple-U came soon after and by all accounts Neem’s film career is taking off.

15 September 2005

Bucky Buckaw's Chicken News

Local chicken celebrity Neem will be appearing in the film Triple-U which will be shown at the Idaho International Film Festival here in Boise. Triple-U will be shown with other shorts as part of the "Made in Idaho" screenings on Saturday, October 1st, 7:00pm at The Flicks, Saturday, and Sunday, October 2nd, noon at The Egyptian Theater. Sagebrush Variety Show Episode 5 will air September 27 and 28 and will include Bucky intervewing Chad A Rinn, Director of Triple-U and author of the original short story which inspired the film. To find out more about the multitude of entertainments (comics, literature, film, performing arts) created by Cecilia Rinn and Chad see their website at FTB Productions. For more info on the Festival see their website.

09 September 2005


Over the coming weeks, we will be setting up the Sagebrush Variety Show blog with production notes and info, links related to content in the segments, and an episode archive available for podcasting. In the meantime, you can listen to the Sagebrush Variety Show at Boise Community Radio's webcast every Tuesday at 4pm and Wednesday at 8pm (Mountain Time).