This weeks Level Red is inspired by the Reporter Arrested for Photographing Governor's Inauguration Parade in Connecticut earlier this month. Now, consider that Boise and the Spokane/Moscow area have Criminal Investigation Units that are part of the same Local Franchise Opportunities in Homeland Security as the one that decided that Ken Krayeske's work on Green Party campaigns merited a folder with large glossy photographs and, apparently, instructions to arrest on sight. We really, really, love this annotated arrest record.
In fictionalizing our account we made the educated guess that Krayeske was familiar with the National Lawyers Guild Know Your Rights pamphlet. The Sagebrush Players strongly recommend everyone read it before they are arrested. To recap, listeners to our show know that you may be detained, arrested or at least harassed if you: wear a t-shirt with arabic lettering on it, are a documented Green Party volunteer, make non-traditional dietary choices, display the wrong bumper sticker of your bicycle or motor vehicle, are a clown on a unicycle, etc.
The upbeat angle to the story is that people are finally getting outraged about this sort of thing and supporting their fellow activists as noted on Krayeske's Blog. Particularly inspiring is how Connecticut Democrats in the Legislature have made the uncharacteristic decision that defending a fellow wonk's political rights is more important than silencing the Green Party through restrictive ballot access laws, constant negative spinmeistering and various social punishments.