22 August 2006

Pesticide Carnival

This week's show features the exciting, long-awaited conclusion of the Benjamin Franklin Cipher. The rest of the program is dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of pesticides, disease vectors, and the truth about West Nile virus. In the premiere of a new segment, Voyage to the Bottom of the Barrel, the Gratzby family gets sprayed with Naled and all of them get sick. All the symptoms described are realistic and have happened, in fact, to one of the Sagebrush Players. In the one-act radio play The Goathead Assault, the absurdist/surrealist approach takes the idea of assaulting large groups of people with toxic chemicals without their input or consent to the extreme. We've also re-written the Milfoil Song into the West Nile Song. Unfortunately, we ran out of room and could not include our interview with local beekeeper Ed Keener this week, but that has a spot reserved on next week's show.