Your help is urgently needed NOW - today! - to stop CIEDRA from passing the United States Senate. By taking just a few moments of your time to make calls to Senator Larry Craig's local and Washington offices, you can not only save Idaho's Boulder-White Cloud mountains from being privatized; you can also protect the Wilderness Act as we know it. Please take the opportunity to act today.
Make no mistake: the future of our public lands and the qualities we enjoy and treasure about them will be changed forever if we do not act immediately to STOP CIEDRA in the Senate.
Representative Mike Simpson (R-ID) rushed CIEDRA to the House floor as a "non-controversial" bill on a day when a majority of Representatives weren't even present to vote against it. He has been fast-tracking this horrific bill without meaningful debate because he knows that the more people learn about CIEDRA, the less they like it.
We cannot allow HR 3603 to sail through the Senate the way it did in the House of Representatives. CIEDRA is a controversial bill. It can be stopped if we speak in opposition with a strong and united voice.
Please join your fellow conservationists, friends and family in turning up the volume now. YOU CAN STOP CIEDRA IN THE SENATE BY PLACING YOUR CALLS NOW.
Below are guidelines with the steps and background on how calls to Congress are received.
After you've made your calls, please ask at least two more people to call Senator Craig. Ask them to ask two people, each of whom should ask two more people, and so on. In this way, 2 + 2 can grow to become many more than 4.
Please take the time today to make the calls and contact your friends. Your focused action will STOP CIEDRA NOW!
Here's a sample script for making your calls to Senator Craig to
"I'm calling to thank Senator Craig for opposing CIEDRA. There are a number of reasons to oppose CIEDRA, but most important to me is that it gives away public land and erodes protections for the Sawtooth National Recreation Area that Senator Craig has staunchly supported."
Call Senator Craig's Washington DC office at (202) 224-2752
The office listed below nearest to where you live:
Boise (208) 342-7985
Coeur d'Alene (208) 667-6130
Lewiston (208) 743-0792
Twin Falls (208) 734-6780
Pocatello (208) 236-6817
Idaho Falls (208) 523-5541
From Senator Craig's website
"When you call my office:
Please be patient as there may be other callers ahead of you, or your call may have to be interrupted briefly to place other incoming calls on hold. If you are calling to voice your opinion on an issue, please be prepared to provide your name and address, or remain anonymous if you prefer. All information provided is kept confidential. If needed, I will respond to your message quickly and thoughtfully and in writing. No matter the issue, my staff will be friendly and polite. I hope you will show them the same respect."
Your call will probably go something like this:
You: "Hello, my name is so and so. I'd like speak with your Environmental Legislative Aid, please.
[You will then be transferred to that person or their voicemail. You may be asked by the person answering the phone what the issue is that you are calling about. Tell them you are calling in regards to CIEDRA].
You (to the Environmental Aide): "Hello, xxx. My name is so and so and I'm calling to thank Senator Craig for his past support of wilderness and to urge him to OPPOSE CIEDRA. There are a number of reasons to oppose CIEDRA, but most important to me is that it gives away public land and erodes protections for the Sawtooth National Recreation Area that Senator Craig has staunchly supported."
If possible, please share your experience in making the call and the response of the staffer with whom you spoke. Email and put "Called Sen. Craig" in the Subject line so we can track the number of calls made to the Senator's office.
Pass it on
After you’ve made your calls, PLEASE send this request to call Senator Craig to at least two other people and ask them to make calls just as you did. Ask them to ask their friends to make two calls, too!
Like you, we are grassroots activists in this fight to save the heart of Idaho. We don't have money for slick advertising, telemarketing calls, and paid lobbyists. The more noise we make, the more we can equal this very lopsided playing field.
Finally, thank you.
[unapologetically plagiarized from the Committee to Save the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (CSSNRA)]