24 May 2006

Energy in Corporate Prime

The "corpytown" in New Arco City lies on nuclear energy from two surviving reactors at the INEL site, while in the Treasure Valley energy is mostly decentralized. By decentralized, we mean there's no major power grid. Most neighborhoods or areas have their own combination of solar panels (all structure surfaces), wind-based generators, and geothermal (shallow and deep), depending on local availability. Sure, the hydrodam generators are still functional, but that's just icing on the cake, and in the event of a drought or some other disaster, there's enough locally generated electricity to keep everyone comfortable. Wind designs such as this, or this, or even ... there ar eso many design possibilities. The solar tree mentioned in one of the episodes is a design conceived by Gwen Sanchirico and Michael Tilbrook when they were PhD students in New York. Starting with the space-saving natural design of a deciduous tree, which contains on average an acre of surface are in its leaves.